Jana van Dongen's profile

Lowlands Recycle Coins

We were tasked to find a solution for the leftover trash problem at festivals.
Mojo, the organiser of Lowlands - is already on track to finding solutions to make their festivals greener but their main concern so far has been trash from their drinks/cups.

This is of course not the full picture, as it turns out that near 40% of trash left behind is from the camping grounds at these festivals.
I wanted to think of a solution that would tackle this and also other forms of trash than just cups being left behind.
This image is taken from Mojo's website about their green mission.
I made a board of all the already available solutions to reduce waste at festivals on the right, and an overlook of the sort of visual styles found at these festivals on the left - as starting inspiration for my visualisations and to visually display my research.
I wanted a solution that would use gamification to draw interest from the part of the festivalgoers that doesn't care about recycling or being green much, especially because they're a big part of the problem in terms of leaving their gear that they no longer need after the festival behind.
My final proposal and solution was to create limited edition coins you can earn by handing in and helping recycling products. This goes from drink and food waste to camping waste to broken or left behind tents and sleeping bags.
You would use these coins to be able to pay for stuff at the festival like normal if you want - but they would also come with extra perks.
With enough coins you can collect merchandise and even special VIP spots.
I made a finalized visual board with the style and colours from lowlands from the most recent year, as well as coins from different festivals for further inspiration.
From the website I ended up picking out separate colour palettes that visually appealed to me, since the website seemed to throw together two different sets of colours together at random - as some colour combinations came back several different times with another one in the front or back.
I ended up picking two of these colour sets to create my first prototypes of designs on the coin.
The top coin is inspired by the style of shape found in the visual media of lowlands itself - the other is more closely inspired by the visuals of other 'green' solutions.
I chose to go for an R following the font lowlands uses. This font has several different variations of each letter so I chose the one that had the least distortion for legibility on the small coins.
For the final prototype, I delivered three different coins in different colours, and I made some small tweaks and edits to some of the colours to make the designs pop better, as the visual style for lowlands is also very bright but with distinct and contrasting colours.
Lowlands Recycle Coins

Lowlands Recycle Coins


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